(PK1013) TASMANIA · 1955: fresh MNH block of 4x ½d black Platypus S/Duty Craig 7.171 · minor roulette separation in selvedge o/wise in fine condition (2 images)
This lot will close on Saturday, April 12th at 12:50 p.m Australian Eastern Standard Time
$40.00 AUD
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images, please do not hesitate to contact Ross Ewington right away at
Tasmanian Stamp Auctions using this link: info@tsauctions.com
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(PK1007) QUEENSLAND · 1909: nicely used 1d violet-brown on buff pictorial postal card w/view of ARROWROOT DRYING, COOMERA RIVER H&G #15 in fine condition H&G #15 in fine condition front & verso
This lot will close on Friday, April 11th at 3:05 p.m Australian Eastern Standard Time
(PK1001) NEW SOUTH WALES · 1905: used 1d red on white pictorial postal card w/view HAWKESBURY RIVER BRIDGE inscribed "Greetings from" H&G #28a · any imperfections are quite minor
This lot will close on Friday, April 11th at 2:50 p.m Australian Eastern Standard Time
(PK1012) GERMANY · CAROLINE ISLANDS 1903: finely used 10pf postal card Mi P2 mailed to Germany with short non-philatelic message · clear PONAPE postmark · fine condition
This lot will close on Friday, April 11th at 12:50 p.m Australian Eastern Standard Time
(PK1006) QUEENSLAND · 1908: used 1d violet-brown on buff QV pictorial postal card w/view of HAMBLEDON SUGAR MILL, CAIRNS H&G #15 privately overprinted for use as an Advice Card by Rennie & Parsons, Brisbane · fine condition
This lot will close on Friday, April 11th at 3:10 p.m Australian Eastern Standard Time